Foto Museum Perangko

Gerbang masuk candi bentar Museum Perangko Indonesia terlihat di ujung sana, yang fotonya diambil dari tengah pendopo museum yang terbuka di keempat sisinya. Candi bentar adalah gerbang yang bagian atasnya tidak bersambung, jika bersambung disebut gapura paduraksa. Pintu masuk ke ruang Museum Perangko Indonesia berhias suluran, dan tepat diantara pintu museum terdapat patung Hanoman. Hanoman adalah raja kera yang menjadi duta Rama untuk berkirim kabar kepada Shinta yang tengah dikurung Rahwana di Kerajaan Alengka.

The candi bentar entrance gate of Indonesian Stamp Museum can be seen at the far end there, which photo was taken from the center of the museum's hall which were open on all four sides. Candi Bentar is a type of a gate which upper part is not connected, if the upper parts are conneceted it is called a gapura paduraksa (paduraksa gate). The entrance to the Indonesian Stamp Museum hall is decorated with vines, and right between the museum doors is a Hanoman statue. Hanoman is the monkey king who becomes Rama's ambassador to send news to Shinta, who is being held by Rahwana in the Kingdom of Alengka.

Ada instalasi menarik di Blok Penyajian I Museum Perangko Indonesia TMII yang berisikan Sejarah Perangko, termasuk bagaimana pengiriman kabar dilakukan pada jaman dahulu yang menggunakan daun lontar. Daun lontar dimasak lebih dahulu sebelum digunakan, dan untuk menulis digunakan pengutik. Contoh pohon lontar dan pengutik diperlihatkan di bagian ini.

There is an interesting installation in the Presentation Block I of the Indonesian Stamp Museum which contains the History of Stamps, including how news deliveries were carried out in ancient times using palm leaves. The lontar leaves were cooked before use, and for writings were used by pengutik. Examples of palms and pengutik are shown in this section.

Proses pembuatan perangko dengan patung perancang perangko dan peralatannya, seperti silinder dan pelat cetak perangko semasa revolusi, film positif, foto proses pembuatan perangko, dan contoh perangko di jaman republik.

The process of making stamps with statues of postage designers and their equipment, such as cylinder and stamp printing plates during the revolution, positive films, photos of the postage process, and examples of postage stamps in the Republic of Indonesia.

Peta Indonesia dengan sejumlah miniatur wahana komunikasi tradisional jaman dahulu, seperti perahu layar Pacalang dengan deretan dayung di kiri kanan badan kapal, pedati pos, kuda pos, kereta pos, dan paling kanan adalah miniatur kapal perang VOC.

A map of Indonesia with a number of miniatures of traditional ancient communication vehicles, such as the Pacalang sailing boat with rows of oars on either side of the hull, post carts, postal carriages, and to the far right is a miniature VOC warship.

Contoh stempel pos jaman VOC, jaman Daendels, jaman Raffles yang menggunakan bahasa Inggris, dan stempel pos di jaman Hindia Belanda. Ada yang bercap "Tagal" (Tegal), Samarang (Semarang), Sourabaya (Surabaya), dan Batavia (Jakarta), masing-masing ada tiga baris contoh stempel.

Examples of postal stamps in the VOC era, Daendels era, Raffles era in English, and postmarks in the Dutch East Indies era. Some were labeled "Tagal" (Tegal), Samarang (Semarang), Sourabaya (Surabaya), and Batavia (Jakarta), each with three lines of stamp samples.

Paling kiri adalah Sir Rowland Hill (lahir 1795), Bapak Perangko Dunia yang mencetuskan gagasan pemakaian perangko sebagai tanda pelunasan biaya pengiriman surat. Di sebelahnya adalah replika Penny Black, perangko pertama di dunia yang terbitkan 1840. Di sebelahnya lagi foto lawas Kantor Pos Batavia yang merupakan kantor pos pertama di Hindia Belanda yang didirikan G.W Baron van Imhoff pada 26 Agustus 1746.

On the far left is Sir Rowland Hill (born 1795), the Father of World Stamps, who came up with the idea of using postage as a sign of paying off mailing fees. Next to it is a replica of Penny Black, the world's first postage stamp published in 1840. Next to it is an old photo of the Batavia Post Office, which was the first post office in the Dutch East Indies founded by G.W Baron van Imhoff on 26 August 1746.

Di sebelah kiri adalah perangko Belanda pertama yang terbit pada 1852. Di sebelah kanan adalah Hindia Belanda pertama yang terbit 1 April 1864 bergambar Raja Willem III, yang dirancang oleh JW Kaiser dari Amsterdam dan dicetak oleh Mint di Utrecht, Belanda.

On the left is the first Dutch postage stamp published in 1852. On the right is the first Dutch East Indies published April 1, 1864 with a picture of King Willem III, designed by JW Kaiser of Amsterdam and printed by Mint in Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Sejumlah koleksi perangko di jaman republik, yaitu "Gunung bromo Jawa Timur" senilai 140, "Bedugul Bali" senilai 350, "Bunaken Sulawesi Utara" senila 500, "Clarias batrachus L" (ikan lele) senila 500, "Cyprinus carpio L" (ikan mas) senilai 200, dan perangko bergambar ikan gurame senilai 150, semuanya terbit tahun 1987.

A number of stamp collections in the republic era, namely "Mount Bromo East Java" worth 140, "Bedugul Bali" worth 350, "Bunaken North Sulawesi" worth 500, "Clarias batrachus L" (catfish) worth 500, "Cyprinus carpio L" ( goldfish) worth 200, and carp stamps worth 150, all were published in 1987.

Sejumlah koleksi Museum Perangko Indonesia, seperti pelat cetak perangko semasa revolusi, lembaran tahap cetak, silinder cetak perangko, serta fim positif perangko.

A number of collections of the Indonesian Stamp Museum, such as stamp printing plates during the revolution, printed sheets, stamp printing cylinders, and positive postage stamps.

Koleksi perangko yang terbit semasa pendudukan Jepang pada 1942 - 1943. Ada dua perangko terbit untuk wilayah Sumatera pada 1942, ada perangko peringatab satu tahun pendudukan terbit pada 1943, perangko pariwisata 1943-1944, Tabungan Pos 1943, perangko wilayah Sumatera terbit 1943, dan perangko kawasan timur terbit 1943. Di sebelah kirinya, tak tampak pada foto, ada koleksi perangko Hindia Belanda tahun 1864 - 1941, dan perangko NICA yang terbit pada 1945-1950.

A collection of stamps published during the Japanese occupation in 1942 - 1943. There were two stamps issued for the Sumatra region in 1942, there's a one year occupation stamp issued in 1943, tourism stamps from 1943-1944, Tabungan Pos (Post Savings) 1943, Sumatra postage stamps published in 1943, and postage stamps The eastern region was published in 1943. On the left, not visible in the photo, there is a collection of Dutch East Indies stamps from 1864 - 1941, and NICA stamps published in 1945-1950.

Koleksi perangko dari jaman Perang Kemerdekaan 1945 -1945, seperti Peringatan 12 Tahun Merdeka (terbit 12 Januari 1946) dan cetakan Yogyakarta (1 Juli 1946); seri revolusi 1946-1947 memperingati 1 tahun merdeka, perangko definitif 1946-1947; peringatan 3 tahun merdeka (17 Agustus 1948);dan peringatan kembalinya pemerintah RI di Yogyakarta (20 Juli 1949).

A collection of stamps from the era of the War of Independence 1945-1945, such as the 12th Anniversary of Independence (published January 12, 1946) and Yogyakarta prints (July 1, 1946); revolution series 1946-1947 commemorating 1st year of independence, definitive postage stamp 1946-1947; 3rd anniversary of independence (17 August 1948), and commemoration of the return of the Indonesian government in Yogyakarta (20 July 1949).

Pemandangan pada panel-panel berisi koleksi perangko dari masa ke masa, dimulai dari jaman penjajahan hingga jaman kemerdekaan. Dari seri Perang Kemerdekaan ada seri perjuangan cetakan Wiena yang terbit pada 1948, perangko untuk Pos Udara, untuk Expres, Pos Udara Expres, penembus Blokade Belanda untuk pos udara, peringatan kegagalan blokade Belanda 1948, dan sejumlah seri perangko lainnya.

A view on the panels contains a collection of stamps from time to time, from the colonial era to the independence era. From the War of Independence series there's a series of struggles for the Wiena print published in 1948, stamps for Airmail, for Express, Express Airmail, penetrating the Dutch Blockade for airmail, commemoration of the failure of the 1948 Dutch blockade, and a number of other series of stamps.

Lukisan yang menggambarkan peristiwa penurunan bendera Belanda di Hotel Majapahit Surabaya dan pengerekan bendera Merah Putih. Prasasti di hotel itu berbunyi: "Pada tanggal 19 September 1945, ketika melihat bendera putih – merah – biru berkibar kembali di Hotel Oranje (Hotel Yamato), kemarahan rakyat dan pemuda-pemuda di Surabaya tidak tertahankan lagi. Dengan serempak rakyat bergerak, suasana menjadi panas saat Jalan Tunjungan menjadi lautan manusia yang bergelora. Terjadilah… Insiden bendera, fajar permulaan meletusnya api revolusi, karena rakyat hanya menghendaki supaya Sang Dwi-Warna Merah Putih saja yang berkibar di angkasa – Indonesia, sedang si-tiga warna harus turun. Kemudian… berkibarlah Sang Dwi-Warna hingga detik sekarang dan untuk seterusnya sebagai lambang kemegahan dan kejayaan Nusa dan Bangsa Indonesia".

Painting depicting the event of the lowering of the Dutch flag at the Majapahit Hotel in Surabaya and the hoisting of the Red and White flag. The inscription on the hotel reads: "On September 19, 1945, when the white - red - blue flag fluttered again at the Hotel Oranje (Yamato Hotel), the anger of the people and the youths in Surabaya could not be restrained. Simultaneously the people moved to the streets, the situation became heated when Jalan Tunjungan beceme a raging ocean of people. It happened ... The flag incident, the dawn of the beginning of the eruption of the revolutionary fire, because the people only want the Dual-Color Red and White to fly in sky - Indonesia, while the three colors must fall. Then... fly the Dual-Color fly until the present moment and for the next forward as a symbol of the glory and success of the Land and the Indonesian Nation ".

Diorama di Blok Penyajian V Museum Perangko Indonesia memamerkan koleksi perangko yang disusun berdasarkan tema, seperti kebudayaan, pariwisata, flora, fauna, lingkungan hidup, dan kemanusiaan.

A diorama at Presentation Block V of the Indonesian Stamp Museum exhibits a collection of stamps arranged based on themes, such as culture, tourism, flora, fauna, environment, and humanity.

Sedangkan Blok Penyajian VI Museum Perangko Indonesia memamerkan koleksi perangko berdasarkan tema, khusus untuk olah raga dan pramuka, dengan diorama kegiatan kepramukaan di tengah-tengahnya.

Meanwhile, Presentation Block VI of the Indonesian Stamp Museum exhibited a collection of stamps based on themes, specifically for sports and scouts, with a diorama of scouting activities in the middle.

Diorama Blok Penyajian VI Museum Perangko Indonesia ini menyajikan diorama dan panel terkait filateli. Kegiatan ini bisa menjadi investasi jangka panjang dengan hasil mencengangkan. Salah satu perangko termahal di dunia misalnya adalah perangko Hindia Belanda pertama bertahun 1864, berstempel “Ngawi, Jawa Timur” dengan harga 10 sen, yang dihargai Rp 20 miliar.

Diorama Block Presentation VI The Indonesian Stamp Museum presents dioramas and panels related to philately. This activity can be a long-term investment with astonishing results. One of the most expensive stamps in the world, for example, was the first postage stamp of the Dutch East Indies in 1864, with the stamp "Ngawi, East Java" at a price of 10 cents, which was valued at Rp20 billion.

Pemandangan ketika masuk Museum Perangko Indonesia, disambut perangko berukuran besar bergambar Ibu Tien Soeharto, dengan nominal 700. Ruangan Museum Perangko Indonesia ini bentuknya melingkar, dengan Bblok Penyajian dari I – VI menyajikan diorama, peralatan pos, dan panel berisi koleksi perangko.

When you enter the Indonesian Stamp Museum, you are greeted with a large stamp with a picture of Mrs. Tien Soeharto, with a nominal value of 700. The Indonesian Stamp Museum room is circular in shape, with Presentation Blocks from I - VI presenting dioramas, postal equipment, and panels containing stamp collections.

Di sudut kanan disimpan peralatan terkait pos, seperti cap tanggal, cap tanggal roda, cap dirian pos, tang perforasi, timah plombir, dan tang plombir. Ada pula timbangan surat, buku, dan memorabilia.

In the right corner was stored postal related equipment, such as date stamps, wheel date stamps, postal stampings, perforation pliers, plaster lead, and pliers. There were also scales for letters, books and memorabilia.

Pandangan lebih dekat pada sejumlah koleksi Museum Perangko Indonesia TMII, dengan berbagai bentuk cap tanggal, cap tanggal roda, cap dirian pos, tang perfra, timah plombir dan tang plombir.

A closer look at a number of collections of the TMII Indonesian Stamp Museum, with various forms of date stamps, wheel date stamps, postal stampings, perfra pliers, plombir tin and plombir pliers.

Pintu masuk dan pintu keluar Museum Perangko Indonesia dengan ornamen suluran di sekelilingnya. Tepat diantara pintu museum terdapat patung Hanoman, raja kera yang menjadi duta Rama untuk berkirim kabar kepada Shinta yang tengah dikurung Rahwana di Alengka. Di atas patung Hanoman terdapat logo Pos Indonesia, dan di sebelah kanannya terdapat bus surat kuno dari jawatan pos kolonial yang keterangannya menggunakan bahasa Belanda, Brievenbus.

The entrance and exit of the Indonesian Stamp Museum with tendrils ornament around it. Right between the museum doors was a statue of Hanoman, the monkey king who became Rama's ambassador to send news to Shinta, who was being held by Rahwana in Alengka. Above the Hanoman statue there was the Pos Indonesia logo, and on the right is an old letter bus from the colonial postal service whose information is in Dutch, Brievenbus.

Pintu masuk Museum Perangko Indonesia dilihat dari tengah pendopo. Panel pada foto adalah koleksi Christie Damayanti yang tengah dipamerkan. Ornamen pada langit-langkit pendopo terlihat dibuat dengan detail yang indah.

The entrance to the Indonesian Stamp Museum was seen from the middle of the pavilion. The panel on the photo was the Christie Damayanti collection on display. The ornaments on the pendopo ceiling appeared to be made with beautiful details.

Koleksi sepeda pos antik yang diletakkan di selasar Museum Perangko Indonesia. Sepeda ini bermerk Falter, buatan Jerman Barat bertahun 1950. Ciri khasnya adalah ban depannya 20 inchi, ban belakang 26 inchi, hub belakang torpedo sachs, gir bintang dengan lebar rantai 0,5 cm dan rem depan model stempel melalui baut setang. Sepeda ini lazim digunakan oleh jawatan pos di Eropa dan Indonesia, sehingga dikenal sebagai sepeda pos. Populasi sepeda ini di Indonesia tidaklah banyak, kurang dari 100 buah, sehingga diburu orang.

Collection of antique postal bicycles placed in the hallway of the Indonesian Stamp Museum. This bike is a Falter brand, made in West Germany in 1950. Its distinctive features are its 20-inch front tires, 26-inch rear tires, rear hub torpedo Sachs, a star gear with a chain width of 0.5 cm and a stamped front brake through the handlebar bolts. This bicycle was commonly used by postal services in Europe and Indonesia, so it's known as a postal bicycle. The population of these bicycles in Indonesia was not much, less than 100, so people were hunting them.

Sudut bangunan Museum Perangko Indonesia dengan patung binatang mistik bergaya Jawa Bali di pojoknya. Kepalanya menyerupai raksasa dengan taring tajam dan mata melotot, kuku kakinya tajam seperti garuda namun berkaki empat, bersayap dan berekor.

The corner of the Indonesian Stamp Museum building with a Javanese-Balinese style mystical animal statue in the corner. Its head resembled a giant with sharp fangs and bulging eyes, its toenails were sharp like an eagle but had four legs, wings and a tail.

Tampak muka binatang mistik penjaga pojok museum itu, memperlihatkan giginya yang telah rompal sebelah, kalung yang besar menggantung pada lehernya, dan posisi kaki yang menyerupai kaki katak atau kaki buaya.

The face of the mystical beast guards the corner of the museum, showing its split teeth, a large necklace hanging from its neck, and the position of its legs that resemble frogs' or crocodile legs.

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