Foto Monumen Pancasila Sakti

Saat berkunjung kebetulan ada sekelompok pelajar SMP, yang bisa dikenali dari pakaian seragam dan usianya, yang pada foto tampak tengah menyimak penjelasan guru pria pembimbingnya di pelataran tempat wisata sejarah ini. Sang guru yang menggunakan pengeras suara tentu bercerita mengenai peristiwa terkait terbunuhnya sejumlah petinggi TNI-AD saat malam 30 September 1965.

While visiting there happened to be a group of junior high school students, who could be identified by their uniforms and appearances, who in the photo seemed to be listening to the explanation of the teacher who guided them in the courtyard of this historical tourist spot. The teacher, who used a loudspeaker, must have told them of the incident related to the killing of a number of high-ranking Army officers on the night of September 30, 1965.

Instalasi di Monumen Pancasila Sakti Jakarta yang menggambarkan penyiksaan Mayjen R Soeprapto, Mayjen S. Parman, Brigjen Soetojo Siswomihardjo serta Lettu Czi Pierre A. Tendean oleh Pemuda Rakyat dan Gerwani bisa dilihat di serambi sebuah iumah sesuai aslinya. Sementara LetJen. A. Yani, BrigJen DI Panjaitan, serta MayJen M.T. Haryono telah terlebih dahulu wafat dibunuh.

Installation at the Pancasila Sakti Monument depicting the torture of Maj. Gen. R Soeprapto, Major General S. Parman, Brigadier General Soetojo Siswomihardjo and Lettu Czi Pierre A. Tendean by Pemuda Rakyat and Gerwani can be seen on the porch of the original house. Meanwhile, Lt. Gen. A. Yani, Brig. Gen. DI Panjaitan, and Maj. Gen. M.T. Haryono had already been murdered when they were brought to Lubang Buaya.

Di cungkup sumur maut saya melihat seorang pengunjung tercenung mengamati lubang berdiameter 75 cm, berkedalaman 12 m, tempat ketujuh korban dimasukkan secara bertumpuk dengan posisi kepala dibawah. Untuk menyamarkan, sumur itu diisi batang-batang pisang dan sampah, lalu ditutup tanah. Jenazah baru bisa diangkat pada 4 Oktober 1965 dalam keadaan sudah rusak.

In the cupola of the well of death I saw a visitor who was stunned observing a hole with a diameter of 75 cm, a depth of 12 m, where the seven victims were put in a pile with their heads down. To cover it up, the well was filled with banana trunks and trash, then covered with dirt. The bodies could only be removed on October 4, 1965 when they were already damaged.

Patung Pahlawan Revolusi di kompleks Monumen Pancasila Sakti Jakarta, berjarak sekitar 45 m dari cungkup sumur maut. Pelataran monumen itu dicapai dengan menaiki 7 buah anak tangga. Dinding belakang Patung Pahlawan Revolusi itu tingginya 17 m, di atas bidang 17 x 17 m2, melambangkan ketujuh pahlawan dan tanggal hari proklamasi.

A statue of a Revolutionary Hero in the Pancasila Sakti Monument complex in Jakarta, about 45 m from the well of death. The monument's courtyard is reached by climbing 7 stairs. The back wall of the Revolutionary Hero Statue is 17 m high, on a 17 x 17 m2 area, symbolizing the seven heroes and the date of the proclamation day.

Mobil sedan bernomor AD-01, kendaraan dinas LetJen A. Yani ketika menjabat Men/Pangad KOTI (Komando tertinggi), akan terlihat ketika ketika melangkah menuju Monumen Pancasila Sakti.

Sedan with plate number AD-01, the official vehicle of Lt. Gen. A. Yani when he was the Minister / Commander of KOTI (High Command), was seen when walking down towards the Pancasila Sakti Monument.

Bangunan cungkup berlambang burung garuda berwarna keemasan di samping kiri para pelajar itu adalah bangunan lubang sumur maut, tempat para jenderal dimasukkan setelah terlebih dahulu disiksa PKI.

The cupola building bearing the symbol of the golden eagle on the left of the students is the building of a death well, where the generals were put in after first being tortured by the PKI.

Para pelajar masih asik menyimak di kompleks Monumen Pancasila Sakti. Pada latar belakang adalah Monumen Pancasila Sakti dengan patung para Pahlawan Revolusi dalam posisi berdiri.

Students were still enjoying observing at the Pancasila Sakti Monument complex. In the background is the Pancasila Sakti Monument with statues of the Revolutionary Heroes in a standing position.

Bangunan cungkup berlambang burung garuda berwarna keemasan dimana terdapat lubang sumur maut, tempat para jenderal dimasukkan setelah terlebih dahulu disiksa PKI.

The cupola building has the symbol of a golden Garuda bird where there is a death well, where the generals were thrown in after first being tortured by the PKI.

Sisi lain instalasi yang menggambarkan penyiksaan para jenderal oleh Pemuda Rakyat dan Gerwani di serambi rumah. Sementara LetJen. A. Yani, BrigJen DI Panjaitan, serta MayJen M.T. Haryono telah terlebih dahulu dibunuh.

The other side of the installation depicts the torture of the generals by Pemuda Rakyat and Gerwani on the porch of the house. Meanwhile, Lt. Gen. A. Yani, Brig. Gen. DI Panjaitan, and Maj. Gen. M.T. Haryono had already been killed.

Lubang Sumur Maut di kompleks Monumen Pancasila Sakti itu. Sebuah prasasti disamping lubang sumur, berbunyi (dalam ejaan lama): “Tjita2 perdjuangan kami untuk menegakkan kemurnian Pantja Sila tidak mungkin dipatahkan hanja dengan mengubur kami dalam sumur ini. Lobang Buaja, 1 October 1965.

Dead Well Hole at the Pancasila Sakti Monument complex. An inscription next to the well hole, reads (in the old spelling): “Our purpose of struggle is to uphold the purity of Panca Sila cannot be broken by burying us in this well. Lobang Buaja, 1 October 1965".

Pandangan lebih dekat pada lubang sumur maut Lubang Buaya serta prasasti yang ada di dekatnya. Sebuah peringatan agar kejadian yang sama tidak lagi berulang di masa mendatang, dan bahwa kekerasan hanya mendatangkan kekerasan yang sering berkepanjangan.

A closer look at Lubang Buaya's well and the nearby inscriptions. A warning that the same incident shall not be repeated in the future, and that violence only brings violence that is often prolonged.

Patung Pahlawan Revolusi di Monumen Pancasila Sakti, sekitar 45 m dari cungkup sumur, dicapai dengan menaiki 7 buah anak tangga. Dinding belakang Patung Pahlawan Revolusi itu tingginya 17 m, di atas bidang 17 x 17 m2.

The Statue of the Revolutionary Heroes at the Pancasila Sakti Monument, about 45 m from the well cupola, is reached by climbing 7 stairs. The back wall of the Revolutionary Hero Statue is 17 m high, on an area of 17 x 17 m2.

Pada dinding landasan patung Monumen Pancasila Sakti terdapat relief, menggambarkan peristiwa sebelum dan saat meletusnya peristiwa G30S PKI, serta penumpasan oleh tentara dan masyarakat.

On the foundation wall of the Pancasila Sakti Monument, there are reliefs, depicting the events before and during the G30S PKI incident, as well as the their crushing by the army and the community.

Pepohonan rindang di Monumen Pancasila Sakti membuat orang betah menikmati suasana dimana pernah terjadi peristiwa tragis yang memicu rentetan peristiwa yang menentukan perjalanan bangsa selama lebih dari 30 tahun.

The shady trees on the Pancasila Sakti Monument make people feel at home enjoying the atmosphere where there have been tragic events that have triggered a series of events that defined the nation's journey for more than 30 years.

Sekelompok mahasiswa terlihat bergerombol untuk berfoto bersama di depan Patung Pahlawan Revolusi sesaat setelah mereka selesai melihat-lihat.

A group of students were seen huddled together to take a group photo in front of the Revolutionary Hero Statues shortly after they finished looking around.

Replika Truk Dodge yang disimpan di Monumen Pancasila Sakti. Truk buatan Amerika tahun 1961 itu bernomor B.2982.L milik PN Arta Yasa yang dirampas PKI di Jl. Iskandarsyah, Kebayoran Baru, untuk menculik dan mengangkut mayat Brigjen DI Pandjaitan dari rumahnya Jl. Hasanudin 52, Keboyaran Baru ke Lubang Buaya.

A replica of a Dodge Truck stored at the Pancasila Sakti Monument. The 1961 American-made truck numbered B.2982.L belonged to PN Arta Yasa which was seized by the PKI on Jl. Iskandarsyah, Kebayoran Baru, to kidnap and transport the bodies of Brigadier General DI Pandjaitan from his house on Jl. Hasanudin 52, Keboyaran Baru to Lubang Buaya.

Di dalam kompleks Monumen Pancasial Sakti juga terdapat rumah yang digunakan oleh oleh pimpinan G/30S/PKI dalam perencanaan Penculikan. Di dalamnya ada barang-barang asli seperti : 3 buah Petromaks, Mesin Jahit, dan Lemari Kaca. Ada pula Dapur Umum.

Inside the Pancasial Sakti Monument complex there is also a house used by the G / 30S / PKI leadership in planning the kidnapping. Inside are original items such as: 3 pieces of Petromax, sewing machines, and glass cabinets. There is also a Public Kitchen.

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