Foto Buperta Cibubur

Lapangan bola Bumi Perkemahan dan Graha Wisata Pramuka yang letaknya di seberang kantor pemasaran dengan panjang lapangan lebih dari 200 m. Lapangan ini juga bisa digunakan untuk keperluan lainnya sepanjang tidak sedang digunakan. Setidaknya jogging bisa dilakukan di sini.

Scout Guesthouse and Campground's soccer fields are located opposite the marketing office with a field length of more than 200 m. This grass field can also be used for other purposes as long as it is not being used. At least jogging can be done here.

Saat itu ada tenda-tenda yang telah terpasang di salah satu lokasi tapak kemah Bumi Perkemahan dan Graha Wisata Pramuka yang sepertinya telah disiapkan untuk sebuah rombongan yang cukup besar. Pengunjung Buperta bisa menyewa tenda dari mulai kapasitas untuk 6 orang sampai 300 orang, dengan harga mulai Rp.50.000 sampai Rp. 300.000 per malam.

At that time there were tents had been installed at one of the camp siteswhich seemed to have been prepared for a fairly large group. Buperta's visitors can rent tents ranging from a capacity of 6 people to 300 people, with prices starting from Rp. 50,000 to Rp. 300,000 per night.

Deretan warung maka sederhana membentuk tapal kuda berada di dekat lokasi gereja, atau di sebelah Utara masjid. Jika saja dibuat desain warung yang baik dan lebih nyaman, dengan biaya yang hampir sama, akan bisa jauh berbeda hasilnya. Ketimbang melihat rumput gundul mungkin akan lebih baik dipasang paving blok yang bisa meneruskan resapan air untuk lintasan sepeda motor.

Rows of simple stalls formed a horseshoe shape near the church, or to the north of the mosque. If only a good and more comfortable stall design was made, at almost the same cost, the results would have been much different. Instead of seeing bare grass, maybe it would be better to install paving blocks that can still absorb water.

Patung Jenderal Besar Soedirman yang digambarkan sedang duduk di atas punggung seekor kuda gagah. Patung ini ditempatkan di dekat lokasi kolam renang Bumi Perkemahan dan Graha Wisata Pramuka Cibubur.

Statue of the Great General Soedirman is depicted sitting on the back of a fine horse. The statue is placed near the location of the Bumi Perkemahan and Graha Wisata Pramuka's swimming pools.

Tenda siap huni di Bumi Perkemahan dan Graha Wisata Pramuka Cibubur. Tapak kemah dibagi berdasarkan Kelurahan Putra dan Putri yang setiap bagian luasnya 40 ha, terbagi lagi menjadi lima kelurahan. Pendopo Kelurahan memiliki ukuran 9x18 m yang mampu menampung 100 orang. Di setiap Pendopo ada lapangan berukuran 100x100 m untuk kegiatan kelompok. Fasilitas MCK di Buperta disediakan sebanyak 66 unit.

The tents at the Camping Ground and Graha Wisata Pramuka Cibubur were ready for habitation. The camp's site is divided according to the Male and Female blocks, each of which covers 40 ha, and is further divided into five blocks. The village hall has a size of 9x18 m which can accommodate 100 people. In each Pendopo there's a grass field measuring 100x100 m for group activities. Facility of about 66 toilets are provided by Buperta.

Sekelompok tenda berukuran besar saya lihat dipasang di lokasi tapak kemah lainnya yang bisa menampung sampai 30 orang per tenda. Ada pula tenda pembina yang berkapasitas 10 orang. Jika dikehendaki, alas plastik bisa disewa secara terpisah.

A group of large tents were installed at another camp sites that could accommodate up to 30 people per tent. There is also a builder's tent with a capacity of 10 people. If desired, plastic mats can be rented separately.

Jika saja dibuat desain warung yang baik dan lebih nyaman, dengan biaya yang hampir sama, akan bisa jauh berbeda hasilnya. Ketimbang melihat rumput gundul akan lebih baik dipasang paving blok yang bisa meneruskan resapan air.

If only a good and more comfortable stall's design was made, at almost the same cost, the results would have been much different. Instead of seeing bare grass, it would be better to install paving blocks that can continue absorbing water.

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